
When you’re looking for the best hotel booking, there are a few factors to take into account. If you’re interested in a traditional hotel, just about any travel site can help you out. But customers looking for specialized vacation rentals, unique, boutique hotels, or other types of travel accommodations need a more attention to detail than any online travel site can offer. We offer personalized travel services that are combined with an environmental carbon offset advantage that others can not cost effectively offer.

You don’t just sleep in a hotel, you live there, for a night or two, at least. And while you’re there you’re not just getting used to a different pillow, but trying on a whole different life — inhabiting a new space, eating in a new restaurant, drinking in a new bar, checking out your traveling companion (or yourself) in different lighting, against a new interior-design backdrop. If you care like we do, and take boutique hotels & luxury hotels seriously, and care about the environment like we do, then Klean Travel is for you.

Our team of experts, visits hotels anonymously and evaluates each experience first hand. Travel can be a headache, or it can make you feel alive — we know which one we’d prefer.

If you have questions, please contact us at